
Improving Training for Young Ski Racers

Skade is targeted to racers aged 10 to 14. It is designed to improve training by narrowing communication barriers between coaches and athletes.

This thesis focuses on full-bodied human interaction, and ergonomics and human factor design.

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Preliminary Research

Design Development

Final Design

This product solution addresses both kinetic and auditory learning and communication styles. The final design consists of a radio ear-piece, upper-body wearable, and calf sleeves for the racer, and a radio arm band for the coach. The racer’s wearables have vibrating sensors on the shoulders, upper arms, lower back, and calves. These body parts are key locations that the racer must address in order to improve technique. The coach controls the sensors on the athlete from their arm band. This arm band is ergonomic and easy for the coach to use while wearing gloves. The coach can also talk to the racer through the ear-piece while the racer is skiing to give them quick reminders. This system helps to reduce communication barriers between the racer and the coach.
